Video is optimized for broadband access. Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
"Tom! Tom Sawyer! What’s wrong with that boy, I
wonder?" You really needn’t ask, Aunt Polly. We reckon he and Huck
have nicked Injun Joe’s dual purpose BMW R1150GS again, floated it across
the Ole Man Thompson River on the ramshackle McLure ferry-boat, and by now,
are high-tailin’ it up the Yellerhead. And who could blame ‘em, really?
A body’s bound to get excited about the good-to-excellent pavement,
especially south of Barriere. The bucolic river scenery ‘taint bad
neither. And while the curves can be awful pitiful hereabouts, as long as
you can slip the noose of the speed tax collectors, you can brag to Becky
Thatcher about the two sets of owdacious esses. Sho’ nuff, this DH is
worth riskin’ a lickin’.