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 DH78 (Non Feature DH)
Readers Rating: No. of Ratings: 1 
Distance: 35.8 km / 22.2 mi Traffic: Moderate

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At a Glance

There’s so much riding choice at hand as you roll your Aprilia out of Princeton. The inconsistent DH44 to Hope is like a fidgety kid shifting between boredom and excitement. DH10 to Tulameen and DH72 to Bankeir are more like exuberant teenagers. And DH42 to Aspen Grove? It’s a fickle Gen Xer. By contrast, the DH to Hedley is even tempered, polished and predictable. And what this refined, high-speed patrician may lack in excitement, is more than made up for by its suave demeanor. An elegant cruise along the low-lying banks of the Similkameen River, its genteel curves sweep exquisitely between modest farms and subdued mountains. The only dark side to its nature is the heavy traffic it attracts, and even that is quite easy to get by. Coming out of Princeton? The choice at hand: the spirit of a boy... or the wisdom of a man.
Riders Reviews:

"Nice, but not too exciting, and plenty of traffic. The TE on the other side of the river was WONDERFUL! I had to do it in both directions." 
-Ralf Schmidtke  
PS I am enjoying your book very much in my 911 cabrio and did 47 DH's in my first summer.