Video is optimized for broadband access. Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .
If you’ve already made the mistake of investing five
bucks to discover that at anything less than 200 kmh (120 mph), the
Coquihalla toll highway isn’t much of a motorcycle road, don’t despair.
This DH offers a great escape from the Coq’s monotony-- at no charge.
Riding this surprisingly well-paved and well-engineered road south of
Merritt, you avoid the toll surcharges extorted by the speed tax collectors
who lurk like highwaymen on the parallel Coquihalla. Largely ignored by
travelers and even by some mapmakers, little known DH19 traces the Coldwater
River through a hidden valley of trees and grassy, golden fields. The road
does get a little rough at the southern tip, and there is even 0.3 km (0.2
mi) of gravel just above the settlement of Kingsvale. But even with these
minor flaws, this curvaceous backroad delivers a great return on your
misspent fiver.