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 DH18 (Non Feature DH)
Readers Rating: No. of Ratings: 0 
Distance: 41.9 km / 26.0 mi Traffic: Almost always brutal

Video is optimized for broadband access. Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .

At a Glance

The longest road on the rugged west coast of Vancouver Island is as unpredictable as the weather systems coming in off the Pacific. As you leave the traffic and development of Sooke, the road ahead seems sunny and clear. Radiant curves and cloudless pavement play hide and seek with the ocean all the way to Jordan River, where the water views end. For the next quarter of the route, periods of tight curves are expected, with a 20-per-cent probability of slightly rougher asphalt. Check the forecast, though. Late in the DH, look for gale-force road conditions-- poor visibility, turbulent pavement, deep troughs of off- camber hairpins-- to move in over the untidy, second-growth landscape. Yet, if you like isolation, you’ll get plenty here. And isn’t that worth a little stormy weather?