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 DH30 (Non Feature DH)
Readers Rating: No. of Ratings: 0 
Distance: 13.9 km / 8.6 mi Traffic: Moderate

Video is optimized for broadband access. Wide-angle lenses used to record video straighten the curves out. For a truer sense of twistiness watch the mirror dip .

At a Glance

Picture yourself on a Dream on an island, with tangerine trees and marmalade skies… Salt Spring Island is seen as a bucolic last retreat for aging hippies who grow organic garlic and weave 100% vegetable-dyed, hemp clothing. In reality, its proximity to Vancouver means the population is increasingly made up of high fliers who can better afford the hallucinogenic real estate prices. Still, if the laid back traffic is any indication, other varieties of hemp are also widely available. But what we really get off on are the groovy motorcycle roads. And this DH is the grooviest. Short but oh, so sweet, its mellow scenery, happening pavement and far out twisties could blow your mind. And when you come down into Ganja… uhhh Ganges, you can check out what’s available at the weekly flea and farmers market. We guarantee a good trip.